Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Time of Year

This is it. This is the time of year that makes me wish I didn't live in paradise. The time of year that brings me to a feeling of homesickness more than any other time of year.

Photo credits to Betsy Struxness @be_strux 

Growing up in the midwest part of the United States I always enjoyed and appreciated the feeling of fall. The temperature dropping but not so cold you can still go outside with just a long sleeve shirt on. The school football games and the smell of crisp air. The leaves turning on all the trees to brilliant oranges, purples, reds, and yellows and then falling to the ground. Yes even a part of me misses having to rake up all the leaves.


I lived in a pretty quiet town for a long time. I remember the sound of fall. During the quietest of moments you could hear the leaves turn.

I miss the opportunities that came with the turning of the seasons to see the northern lights. Nothing was more marvelous than being able to experience that on a yearly basis...even if I did have to wear a parka to see them.


The first frost was always the most fun for me too. Jack has always tickled my visual senses with his intricate frost designs on pretty much anything it touched. And I've come to realize why people who live in areas where the seasons change are a bit more friendlier to each other. They have to huddle to stay warm. Gotta be nice to those standing next to you because when it's your turn to rotate you don't want to be the penguin that got left out.

Paradise is nice, but seasons are nicer.

Photo credits go to the amazing Betsy Struxness.


  1. I love fall and even winter. I was built for cold weather, but every time i escape the swamp I get sucked back in.

    1. Why? Is there some connection to the swamp? Born in...le swamp?
