Thursday, August 14, 2014

Arranged Marriages in Today's World

I stumbled on this show about a month or so ago via web surfing calling 'Married at First Sight.' I read the description and watched the trailer and was instantly intrigued at the idea of this short series.

It's a social experiment were a psychologist, sexologist, and a spiritual-ologist (don't think that's a word but they totally used it in this series) all got together and interviewed a butt load of people who were interested in the concept of marrying a complete stranger for reasons ranging from they don't have time to date, haven't had much luck in the dating world, or are just tired of looking/waiting for the right person to come around. I don't remember the exact number of people who auditioned for this experiment but I remember thinking that it was a lot. 

They settled down two three sets of couples and put them through some very draining and long tests to make sure that they were paired up to the best person imaginable through science. YA SCIENCE! 

On their wedding day all three couples had not seen their future spouse, knew their name, or anything about who they were marrying. This is the part that gets me...I've always had a huge fascination with the Elizabethan era and of course they had arranged marriages back then. The only difference between back then and this experiment is that the couples had paintings of what they other looked like (or rumors) and heard rumors of who they were with the occasional meeting before the big day. I've always wondered how they managed. What feelings they were experiencing and if any of them genuinely tried. I figured they had to as I've read some of the marriages were very successful. 

One couple was a complete disaster. The bride cried and I was almost certain she was going to say 'No' at the alter. After the ceremony she went and sat in a corner and balled her superficial eyes out about how he wasn't attractive to her and that she had made a mistake. Her now husband, was amazing. He was so respectful of her boundaries and never once tried to rush things and make her feel uncomfortable in any of it. He tried to liven up the mood with humor and the honey he was nothing but sweet and totally willing to play by her rules. A few weeks pass and she sees his personality and the family she has just been married into and of course she starts to fall in love. Thank goodness for that otherwise I would have hated her because he is SO super sweet.

All three couples have 4 weeks to decide whether or not they are going to stay married or get a divorce. I'm excited to see what happens and really hope that all three couples stay together. Realistically I think only two will make it. But it's an interesting experiment and can't deny that I would totally be down for an arranged scientific marriage.

If you are interested in checking it out you can watch it online on the FYI Network. You may consider this a chick show but my husband has totally gotten into this experiment too. It's worth a look.

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